Sunday, November 10, 2013

morning garden report. 

sorry for 1 handed typing, arm in sling for several more weeks with shoulder surgery, but finally feeling well enough to go out and enjoy my garden.

 love these sweet and fragrant stocks

where protected by wire, veggies are coming along;  parsley, cabbage, bok choy.  how long until scent of fresh grown produce is too much for rats/squirrels and they overcome defenses?  i hope never

 morning light on unprotected lettuce.  not enough calories to interest rodents?  the devils ate all germinating radishes.  love the red lettuce

 tail end of the eggplants.  will the tomatoes produce this fall, make it thru the winter?  basil hiding under the fragipani.  grow boxes can go inside if it gets frosty here.  no frost on the island last year


1 comment:

  1. Now that's dedication! Taking pictures and typing with your arm in a sling is way beyond the pale. Beautiful pics.
